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Don’t Forget – Neglect

Date: Wednesday, 29th Apr 2020 | Category: COVID-19, General, Training

Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership are asking that we all consider what might be happening to children and young people in our locality during these unusual times.

With children and young people hidden from view, we all need to be more aware.

That is why we have launched the See Something – Say Something campaign across our city.

We all know that Neglect is one of the main priorities for us as safeguarding partners.

Listen to the voice of a child in this short video.

Neglect can take many forms and vary in how it looks.

It is not always deliberate, (parents are struggling too).

Consider the following scenarios  – and then think about where you could offer or gain support for the situation.

  1. Parents to a recently born baby, cannot cope with the crying and the child seems distressed all the time.
  2. Parents to a 16 yr old male, he is ignoring the requests to stay at home, and has been seen meeting in a group on street corners, they appear to be smoking cannabis.
  3. Parents to four small children, aged from 10 yr to 2 yrs, have both been put on furlough. They are unable to cope and have started drinking heavily, neighbours have reported shouting and seen the 10 yr old going to the shop to get food.
  4. Parents who work as key workers, are sending their two children into school, staff have noticed that both smell of smoke and urine, and that the little boy aged 6 yrs has a row of bruises on the back of his arms.


Where to find help and support

Front Door for Families

Sussex Police

