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Private Fostering Awareness (eLearning)

Date: Tuesday, 29th Oct 2024 | Category: Uncategorized

Who is this course for?

The target audience is all professionals working with children & families directly or indirectly – including GPs, teachers, housing officers, social workers, police, health visitors etc.

Overview and Learning Outcomes

Private Fostering is a little understood term which refers to children who are being cared for by distant family members, or by friends or other carers for a period of over 28 days. The arrangement has been made between the parents and the carers and not the local authority.

This elearning is designed to raise awareness of the wide variety of private fostering arrangements and the importance of recognising such arrangements.  It will enable you to:

  • understand what a private fostering arrangement is
  • gain a better understanding of the risks and vulnerabilities of privately fostered children
  • discover your duties and what you need to do as a professional if you become aware of a private fostering arrangement
  • understand the role and duties of local authorities with regards to private fostering.