On Line – This Summer
As we move from lock down into the summer holidays, children and young people will still be online.
In fact they may increase their usage of all things virtual.
As safeguarding professionals and parents we still need to keep watching and learning how young people are using the internet and social media.
We still need to encourage the public to be our eyes and ears – “SEE Something – SAY Something”
There are still many resources available to both professionals and parents.
There is also training via the Gateway
Safeguarding in a Digital World – is currently on line,via Microsoft Teams and new dates are being made available.
For young people online gaming can offer positive experiences.
But there are also risks, and they need to be aware and told about these.
There are resources available to use with them to explain this.
On-Line Blackmail is also an issue for some young people.
These resources are for use by parents or professionals.
We must try to make sure all young people understand the potential risks of the internet, without stopping them using the positive aspects.