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Business Plan and Strategies

Our vision is that children and young people in Brighton & Hove live a life free from fear, harm, abuse, and exploitation, enabling every child in every part of the city to achieve their potential. As Brighton & Hove SCP we identified priorities to enable this vision, as set out in our Business Plan

The Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP) Business Plan 2023-2026 set out the strategic intent of the BHSCP in making our vision a reality. The Business Plan and Partnership Workplans underpin the statutory objectives of the BHSCP to coordinate agencies, practice, and approach to ensure the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements across the city of Brighton & Hove.

  • The BHSCP Business Plan 2023 – 2026 priorities are informed by the following:
  •  Learning from local and national Safeguarding Practice Reviews (formally known as Serious Case Reviews).
  •  Legislation and policy.
  •  Inspection reports.
  •  National learning, briefings and research including National Review Panel reports and guidance.
  • Local audit findings through monitoring and evaluation.
  •  Data sources including BHSCP Dashboard.
  • Learning through Subgroup activity and professional challenge.

The BHSCP Priorites are:

Priority 1: Partnership Engagement and Accountability

Priority 2: Safeguarding Children and Young People from Violence and Exploitation
Lead Agency: Sussex Police

Priority 3: Reducing Neglect, Recognising the Impact of Child Poverty and Disadvantage
Lead Agency: Brighton & Hove City Council

Priority 4: Supporting Mental Health, Emotional Health and Well-being
Lead Agency: NHS Sussex ICB

The full business plan can be read here: BHSCP – Business Plan 2023-2026