“It’s Your Call”
Safeguarding partnerships across Sussex are asking workers with access to people’s homes to help spot possible child abuse and neglect this lockdown.
Local authorities and police across Sussex have joined forces with the NSPCC to encourage workers to take free training.
The NSPCC’s 15-minute interactive e-learning course, ‘It’s your call’ will help workers to:
- recognise the signs of possible child abuse and neglect
- report concerns either through your work channels, the NSPCC helpline or, if the concern is urgent, the police
- support those who may have already witnessed signs of child abuse and provide advice
The training is currently free until 31st March, 2021.
It is aimed at Postal workers, delivery drivers and workers who regularly visit homes such as housing maintenance staff who are well placed to spot any emerging safeguarding concerns or signs of possible abuse and neglect.
To help protect children from abuse as the country works through another lockdown.
During the pandemic, children and young people have spent much more time at home and behind closed doors.
Meaning that some children have been at a greater risk of abuse and neglect.
The NSPCC has found that concerns about child abuse have soared since national lockdown measures were first introduced.
The average monthly number of referrals from the charity’s helpline to local authorities on the issue increasing by 81% in the South East.
Home isn’t always a safe place.
You can talk to the NSPCC helpline team who offer free support and guidance on 0808 800 5000 (8am-10pm Mon-Fri / 9am-6pm weekends) or you can email help@nspcc.org.uk 24/7.