Consider This
This year seems to disappearing at a rapid rate, that is quite frightening.
However, as a child or young person who has asked for help, do you not think that the days and months between talking to someone and things happening can seem like an eternity?
What can you as safeguarding professionals do to ease this concern and help them.
You need to think about how you can get the answers, they should be getting from those dealing with the abuse and their allegation.
As a result, consider how you can challenge other safeguarding colleagues.
Were you part of a strategy meeting ?
Have the things that others said they were doing, been done?
Why did the child have to wait to be interviewed?
Are you new to role, and scared to ask the questions?
There was a time when we were all new to the safeguarding role.
Make sure you ask the question/s
Sometimes just because we have done it like that, doesn’t mean it couldn’t be done differently.
If you are not sure, ask !
You can also look at the Pan Sussex Child Protection Procedures, they explain about the ways to challenge decisions.
There is also a training offer available around this particular subject.
There should be no barriers, to asking questions about why things get done or not, in the course of safeguarding investigations.
Professional Curiosity or “being nosey” is part of the job we all do.
Asking those difficult questions from families and children is also what we do.
Asking them of colleagues can be even more difficult, aren’t we all on the same side?
But challenging those preconceived ideas and “the way we do things” is also appropriate.
Are the decisions always in the best interest of the child or young person?
Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility