Graded Care Profile – GCP2
The Graded Care Profile (GCP2) has been rolled out across Brighton and Hove over the past year or so.
Neglect remains one of the most pressing concerns for every local authority across the UK.
As a result, here in Brighton and Hove, the safeguarding partners agreed to use this assessment tool.
Training for this is now being provided across agency settings.
For partners in Childrens Services, Early Years and Health, dates can booked via the Learning Gateway.
There will also be briefings and training provided to other statutory partners (Police and Education).
For non statutory and voluntary partners, there will be dates in due course.
There is a clear expectation from all partners that staff will sign up to this training.
The more resources we all have to deal with or resolve situations which could escalate to severe neglect, will make it safer for the families and children we work with.
There is also a Private Page on the BHSCP website – which professionals can access once they have completed their training.
This will provided resources and information about how to use the GCP2.
So complete your training, get licenced to use the GCP2.
Contact BHSCP for the password access the private page.
Remember we all have a responsibility to safeguard and reducing Neglect is a priority for us all.
If you “See Something – Say Something”