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Working with Parents Effectively – (Enabling & Supporting Staff to deal with difficult or evasive behaviour)

Why is the BHSCP providing this course?

To provide practitioners across all agencies with best practice principles for working with parents and to learn how to deal with the challenges parents may present such as dangerous, difficult or evasive behaviour.

Disguised compliance involves parents giving the appearance of co-operating with child welfare agencies to avoid raising suspicions and allay concerns.

Published case reviews highlight that professionals sometimes delay or avoid interventions due to parental disguised compliance. It is hard for professionals to work with families where there may be lack of cooperation and/or a hostile attitude.

When there are child welfare/protection issues, a failure to engage with the family may have serious implications and non-intervention is not an option.

This course has been produced to support professionals working with these problematic dynamics

Target Audience:

Members of staff, who work predominantly with children, young people and their families, parents or carers, and who could potentially contribute to the assessment, intervention and reviewing the safeguarding needs for a child or young person, where there are safeguarding concerns, and or potential risks.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand Disguised Compliance in a way that will be helpful in practice
  • Be able to identify forceful counter arguments as a form of disguised compliance
  • Consider the impact of themselves and other practitioners of working with parents who present themselves in a forceful articulate manner
  • Appreciate the importance of listening to parents whilst maintaining independent, child-centred assessments
  • Identify the possible motivations behind parents who disguise their level of commitment to the process of working together
  • Be able to consider ways of forming better partnerships with such parents
  • Understand the key messages from practice in working with parents who present in this way


BHSCP courses  are now booked via the Learning Zone platform. Agency Leads have been contacted requesting account information requirements for professionals who will require a Learning Zone account to view and book training from April.  Once an account has been created for individuals they will receive an activation email from the Learning Zone.  If you need a Learning Zone account and haven’t yet requested one please email .

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, community/voluntary sector groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. For private organisations and those working outside the city the cost is £120.

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