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Safeguarding Children with Disabilities

Why is the BHSCP providing this course?

We know that disabled children are at an increased risk of being abused compared with their non-disabled peers. They are also less likely to receive the protection and support they need when they have been abuse. Their additional needs must be met to allow them to be properly safeguarded. This course will increase your knowledge and awareness of those needs. There is a focus on how safeguarding practice can be put into place, thus reducing the potential risks.

Target Audience:

Members of staff, who work predominantly with children, young people and their families, parents or carers, and who could potentially contribute to the assessment, intervention and reviewing the safeguarding needs for a child or young person, where there are safeguarding concerns, and or potential risks.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the factors that make children with disabilities more vulnerable to harm and their safeguarding needs
  • Describe the attitudes and assumptions that can exist in relation to children with disabilities suffering from abuse and neglect
  • Develop understanding of multi-agency roles in safeguarding children with disabilities
  • Gain practice skills in communicating with children with disabilities when investigating abuse or neglect


To book a place on our Safeguarding Training or for support or enquiries,  please email

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, community/voluntary sector groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. For private organisations and those working outside the city the cost is £120.

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