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Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPRs)

Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPRs)

A Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR), formerly known as a Serious Case Review (SCR), should be carried out for every case where abuse or neglect is known or suspected and either a child dies; or a child is seriously harmed and there are concerns about how organisations or professionals worked together to safeguard the child. Other learning reviewcan be carried out by the BHSCP if the criteria is not met but there is still felt to be learning from a case.

It is important if Brighton & Hove is to become a safer place for children to live for everyone to embrace the learning from reviews and take the necessary steps to help put right the issues identified. Any review should enable local partner agencies to be clear about their responsibilities, to learn from experience and improve services as a result.

Please find the Pan-Sussex Guidance here: Safeguarding Incidents and LCSPR Guidance – Pan-Sussex Feb 2023

Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership have a Case Review Group which considers how to review a case. Practitioners and managers can view our Guide to Local Serious Child Safeguarding Practice & other Learning Reviews here.



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Our Published CSPRs (formerly SCRs)

Child Delta

Child Delta

Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP) commissioned this Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPR) following the tragic death of a 20-month-old girl in December 2019. The post-mortem found that her death was caused by a combination of starvation ketoacidosis1 and influenza. Her mother pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter and was subsequently sentenced to a substantial prison term in 2021. The death occurred when the mother left her young daughter alone in their flat for 6 days, whilst she was with friends in London and elsewhere in England.

Siblings W&X

Published in July 2017. Key issues: Working with trauma, high risk adolescents, children vulnerable to exploitation, and with minority ethnic groups.

This report was commissioned by Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) to evaluate multi-agency responses to vulnerable young people at risk of exploitation through radicalisation. It follows the deaths of two brothers, ‘W’ and ‘X,’ in Syria in 2014. They had received services from local agencies in the Brighton & Hove area before leaving the UK.


Child A

Brighton & Hove SCR: June 2017. Key issues: Residential Placements, transition towards greater independence, therapeutic support.

The report was commissioned by Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board following the tragic death of 17 year old, A, whose body was found on a railway track in early 2016. The review was written by an experienced Independent Author, Fergus Smith, and front line professionals who supported A participated in the review, as well as family members and A’s prospective foster carer. This review was conducted using a systems methodology, and the exploration of the services provided to A and his family over five and half years has identified effective systems and good professional practice, as well as examples of systemic weaknesses and areas for development.


Child E

Brighton & Hove SCR: September 2016. Key issues: Family & Friends Carers, the role of the non-primary carer, communication between agencies.

This review was commissioned by Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board following the death of Child E, a child in care who was seriously injured by hanging in December 2014, and who died in hospital the following day. The coroner recorded an open verdict.


Baby Liam

Brighton & Hove SCR: October 2015. Key issues: Supporting Care Leavers, Non Accidental Injury, assessing fathers/partners.

This review was commissioned following the tragic death of a seven week old baby, Liam, who died after experiencing head injuries whilst in the care of his father.