Criminal Exploitation – You are Not Alone
Being exploited is not a choice, that young people make.
Thinking you are all alone, with no one to help or ask !
Even in those moments when you cannot think of who to turn too, there are people out there to help.
When young people get involved in situations, they have not always created themselves.
They may have been drawn in by friends at school or college.
As a result, they are suddenly afraid or scared, but unable to talk to those close to them.
We need to find ways to help them ask “for help”
As professionals or parents we also need to recognise when something is different or changes for a young person.
If you “See something – Say Something” must still remain the rule we should all work too.
Please join us for the online session about ‘how to spot the signs of child exploitation’ on Monday 16th November, either at 1 pm to 2.15 pm or 6 pm to 7.15 pm