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Neglect – What Does it look Like ?

Date: Tuesday, 26th Oct 2021 | Category: Uncategorized

When you think about Neglect, what does it mean to you?

We all know it can manifest itself in many ways.

It still remains one of the most significant for our locality, when it comes to Child Protection.

There are over 70 children or young people registered under this category of abuse on Child Protection Plans (this weeks figures).

National figures also suggest that it is the highest reason for child protection plans across England & Wales.

As a result we really need to think about how we might address this.

The Safeguarding Partnership has taken steps to provide an assessment tool for all staff to use.

It is clear if we can recognise and instigate action early, we can potentially reduce an escalation, into a more serious situation.

The Graded Care Profile (2), is becoming more available across our agency services.

We would recommend that all staff  attend the allocated training for their agency.

There is also national information with regard to Neglect that could be useful within our practice.

Very young children are also at significate risk for neglect, alongside the potential for physical injury.

Within Sussex the Safeguarding Children Partnerships have signed up to the ICON project.

There is also a very recent report from the National Child Protection Review Panel.

This looks at the “myths of invisible men” and how male carers/parent’s can be overlooked in assessments and investigations.

There is a very useful webinar from the author of this report, he will be speaking to this report at our Pan Sussex Conference.

The subject of “safeguarding the under fives” will also be the focus of the 2021 Pan Sussex Safeguarding Children Conference.

Outcomes of these and other reports are also included with the current and future Training Offers provided by BHSCP