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Would you like to help to make a difference to keeping children safe in Brighton & Hove?

Date: Wednesday, 31st Mar 2021 | Category: Uncategorized

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join the Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership as lay members.

Could you be our missing piece?

Who are we?

The Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership brings together agencies and organisations across the city to work together to keep children and young people across the city safe and promote their emotional health and wellbeing.


What does a Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Partnership lay member do?

Lay members are members of the public who will bring their with personal and professional experience or knowledge to multi-agency safeguarding children working groups which look at improving the quality of services provided to children and families in the city.


Who are we looking for?

We are looking for people living in our community who care about keeping children and young people safe, well and able to access services they need and require, including e.g. education and health services. The lay member’s role is particularly important now, as we know that Covid-19 restrictions have impacted on all of our lives in many different ways.


Why become a lay member?

Becoming a lay member is a rewarding role in which you can:

  • Help make a difference to children and young people in your city by working to improve services which could improve lives.
  • Improve your communication skills, as well as your confidence, by working with people from a wide range of backgrounds and skills.


The BHSCP Role Profile provides more information about the role.

Please complete the Expression of Interest Form and return to us by 31st May 2021. If you have any questions about the role please contact Sally Kendal: